Horses can breed throughout their lives.
The oldest horse known to give birth was a 42-year-old Australian mare.
Horses move in four different paces or movements.
The walk is the slowest pace at about 3 mph,
which moves into a slightly faster trot.
As the horse increases its speed, the pace is considered a canter.
Running at top speed is considered a gallop which can reach speeds of up to 43 mph.
Baby horses are referred to as foals.
Male foals are called colts, while female foals are called fillies. Yearlings are
colts or fillies that are a year old.
Young horses are called colts and fillies until the age of three.
A horse�s eyes are often a clue to its temperament � large
eyes usually show not only that the horse has good vision, but also a calm nature
and intelligence.
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